"Is the witch in there?"

So Dad took the boys trick or treating and Riley decided it was appropriate to ask each person if there was a witch in their house?!?! The only problem is when Riley says "witch" it sounds clearly like "bitch" so as they made there way from house to house my little tiger was innocently asking each house, "Is the bitch in there?" .....great! I guess Matt would try to explain that he was looking for the witch, as people often wondered why we would teach our two year old such words. The hunt for the witch continued, and then they came to a house and knocked on the door. An older man answered, and Riley took a step in and yelled, "Is the bitch in there?" and the man quickly responded, "No she is not home now, I don't know where in the hell she went!" (obviously referring to his wife!!) Riley seemed to accept this answer as the witch/bitch question was finally dropped. When Riley gets something in his head it is so hard to get him to move on, thus this was a perfect example. I apologize to all of those people who we insulted along the way in our search for the witch!

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