Taylors birthday!

Here are some pictures from Taylor's second birthday.

At two, Taylor can recite the whole alphabet,knows most of his colors and can count to 4. He enjoys reading his elmo books, playing trains with Riley, playing air hockey with his new table, watching Mickey Mouse and of course taking care of the Sesame Steet crew. He is not much for crafts, as he would really prefer to do body painting or table painting. He LOVES rides and going to the mall ( I have trained him well). He is left handed and very physical. He really enjoys jumping from the kitchen table onto a bean bag. He weighs 3 pounds less than Riley and only wears 1 shoe size smaller. Here are his two year old pictures.

2 and 3!

We have had a whirlwind month, starting off with Taylor's 2nd birthday. That was a huge hit, he received over 30 presents and a special visit from Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street. Riley is busy talking about his birthday in June and he has so many plans I don't even know where to begin. I will post pictures of Taylor's birthday and his new harley motorcycle when I have time. Since Tay's birthday he has had a very tough road. He had surgery the day after his birthday and has been back to the hospital twice with complications. He finally just told me a few days ago, " Let's just take my weiny off." (He got circumsized) Note to any other parents of young baby boys don't wait until they are two to have the circumcision done. It is a nightmare! Well Tay is finally turning the corner and we were able to go on a family outing for the first time in a while........
Riley is playing floor hockey and loving every minute of it. We are headed to Anna Maria Island at the end of May and I am starting the countdown now!