20 Months

So i broke out the picture flash cards with Taylor and decided to see what he could do. Usually he just dumps them out all over the floor and throws them around. This time i took one out at a time and asked, "What is this?" while showing him the picture card. If he got it right I would scream and cheer and he sat anxiously waiting for the next one. I was floored by his knowledge and verbal skills. There were 40 picture cards and he got 32 of them right the first time. Here are all the words he is saying: monkey, snake, crab, bathtub, dog, flower, turtle, bed, tiger, sink, slide, hat, bird, bike, ball, pig, pants, boat, car, truck,swing, lion, cake, ketchup, hot dog, work, coat,eat,go, shoes, and shit. I am writing this post for my own sake, so i have a memory of what Taylor was like at this age. I didn't journal Riley at this age and I wish I had. So I'm not boasting but just writing for a keepsake, because my baby is no longer a baby:(

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