We took the boys to the "slice" of Shoreview and they had a ball. They both rode many rides and Taylor even went on the big ferris wheel. The whole time he was saying, "WHEEEEEEE". Riley decided he was ready to do the bungy jumping. The age limit was 8, but Riley charmed the owner into letting him do it. He did great and was very proud of himself. An old man had an antique train that he pulled with his tractor. Each boxcar was only big enough for one child, so I put Riley in one car and Taylor in another. Matt and I watched as they rode the train, and then I noticed Taylor standing up in his boxcar. Then I noticed some bouncing in his legs, he thought he would try to leap off the car while it was in motion.
Here we are on the Flintstones ride, the only ride I could stomach.
This is the boys on the old mans' train. Shortly after this was taken Taylor was standing up and jumping!
Riley jumping on the bungy ride! (Notice the age of the kids waiting in line!)
Taylor loved the big slide, and Matt was a trooper he ended up going down several times.
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