We have been living in hotels for about a week. Taylor and Matt are highly allergic to my parents house (cat dander).The boys have gotten pretty creative at finding all the fun things you can do in a hotel room. Taylor enjoys using Riley's toothbrush to scrub the inside of the toilet.Riley found out that the hotel soap is not so kid-friendly. Riley has been enjoying room service and all the pay per view movies he can order. He reminds me of Richie Rich. We also found out that Taylor doesn't mind just jumping in the deep end of the pool, and Riley prefers the hot tub. For all the craziness we have been through, the boys have been pretty well behaved. If I have to pack or unpack another suitcase today I may just retire....HAHA!
Here is Tay making a run for the pool!

Tay contemplating his next move....

Riley being a ham, as always...

Dad giving me the "let's get out of here" smile...
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