New Pool

With the heat wave that has hit the Twin Cities, I decided to invest in a pool for the boys. It was the smartest $10 investment I have made! We have used it just about everyday for the last week and the boys still love it(that is when you know a toy was worth buying!!)

We have also played some golf....

And spent sometime with friends...

Happy Mothers Day!

We decided to head to the Mall of America on Mothers Day so i could pick out a new purchase ( by this I mean designer handbag, sunglasses, or jeans). Totally wrong decision! The breast cancer race was just ending and it took us 45 minutes to park. Once inside we could barely move, Taylor had blown out his pants (yup diarrhea) and we had two crabby, fussy babies. I just wanted to run to the nearest store and buy something and get out of there. We ended up eating McDonalds and watching the rollercoasters for a while and then headed home. UGH! Talk about a frustrating shopping experience. Oh well, I still feel blessed to have my boys, who continue to make me laugh and cry everyday! Here is Riley at the Sponge Bob store.

We have spent most of this weekend outside, enjoying the Minnesota summer weather! We went to the park numerous times and helped clean out Grammy's garage. Taylor got a little thirsty doing all of the hard work so he just helped his self......

And how could I forget the wonderful new set of drums that my mom bought for the boys. It was so nice having the two neighbor boys over for a relaxing afternoon of drum practice!!! ( I may throw those drums in a lake shortly)!!!


Riley has always been our dancer, he will break it out at any given time. Tay is learning from his big brother and is showing improvement everyday!

Take two!

Living in hotels

We have been living in hotels for about a week. Taylor and Matt are highly allergic to my parents house (cat dander).The boys have gotten pretty creative at finding all the fun things you can do in a hotel room. Taylor enjoys using Riley's toothbrush to scrub the inside of the toilet.Riley found out that the hotel soap is not so kid-friendly. Riley has been enjoying room service and all the pay per view movies he can order. He reminds me of Richie Rich. We also found out that Taylor doesn't mind just jumping in the deep end of the pool, and Riley prefers the hot tub. For all the craziness we have been through, the boys have been pretty well behaved. If I have to pack or unpack another suitcase today I may just retire....HAHA!

Here is Tay making a run for the pool!

Tay contemplating his next move....

Riley being a ham, as always...

Dad giving me the "let's get out of here" smile...