Happy New Year! We are sending prayers and positive thoughts to all of our friends and family. We wish you the very best in the next year. Riley started off the New Year by saying goodbye to his crib. He now sleeps in a twin size bed, and is so proud of himself for taking this step. Riley is still in love with Thomas the Train and has expanded his collection to hundreds of Thomas toys and trains. Riley loves to count, read books, and run. Riley is struggling with saying "bye bye" to his nook and diapers, which are two goals high on my priority list.
Tay is still eating non-stop and continues to practice his walking. He has started to talk non-stop, and even says momma! Most recently Taylor has decided that it is pretty funny to go poop in the tub. The minute I put him in the water, he starts grunting really loud. Taylor loves to play with Riley and watches his every move. Our big guy is in the 90 percentile for weight, and 75 percentile for height. His hair is coming in thick and is a really pretty blonde (wink,wink!)
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