Happy 10 months Tay!
The last 10 months have gone by so fast. My little Tay Tay is now 10 months old and making the transition from baby to toddler. We are certain that Taylor's first real word will be, "cheeseburger." He loves to eat, walk, cuddle and watch his brother. Happy 10 months Tay, we love you!!

Sesame Street Live
Riley and I went on a special date to see Sesame Street Live at the Target Center. We had fabulous seats in the fifth row, and were less then 10 feet from the stage. Before the show, Riley and I ran the skyways and saw the new Twins outdoor stadium. Riley kept asking, "Mom can I play in there?" I promised Riley that we would go to a ballgame this spring. We then watched the train (light rail) and Riley couldn't get over all the tracks and how fast the train went. We sprinted into the Target Center and found our seats. Riley asked for a snowcone (bad idea) and some cotton candy. Before long, we also had some Sour Patch Kids and some popcorn. The show began and Riley didn't stop smiling. At the intermission, Riley asked, "Mom maybe Elmo can come home and play?" So cute.....anywho the show was very entertaining:)
The new Target Field in downtown Minneapolis.

Riley waiting for the show to begin.

And the show begins...

The new Target Field in downtown Minneapolis.
Riley waiting for the show to begin.
And the show begins...
Friday Night Fun!
Riley and I enjoyed ourselves last night with a good old playdough party. We made some very creative playdough figures, and Riley really enjoyed teaching me how to play playdough! I was amazed at his insight and strong-will, I never knew there was a right way to play with playdough.

Meanwhile out in the living room Taylor was rocking out, enjoying his toys!

Okay big guy, what happened to your clothes!?!?!?!?!?!

Meanwhile out in the living room Taylor was rocking out, enjoying his toys!
Okay big guy, what happened to your clothes!?!?!?!?!?!
The new man on campus
That's right, Tay is officially a student!!! Taylor enrolled in the Little Tykes class through Centennial School District. Taylor is the new kid at school and not one bit modest!!

Here is Tay waving to all the ladies on his new set of wheels.

The one major challenge for Taylor is going to be trying to make it through an 90 minute class with no snack!! I broke the news to the big guy and this is the look I got.......
Here is Tay waving to all the ladies on his new set of wheels.
The one major challenge for Taylor is going to be trying to make it through an 90 minute class with no snack!! I broke the news to the big guy and this is the look I got.......
Spiderman tees and trains, trains, trains
Matt picked out two matching vintage Spiderman t-shirts for the boys at Baby Gap. They loved their new t-shirts. While I was at the YMCA running, Matt set up a huge train track in our kitchen. I came home to see that the boys were playing trains together! This has been Riley's dream since Taylor was born. Taylor mostly just watched Riley and clapped but would occasionally get involved and try to rip out the tracks. Riley was instructing Taylor on how to correctly play trains, and was actually being a pretty good instructor. It's hard to believe the Holidays have come and past another year, tomorrow back to school and work:(
Christmas Memories
Happy New Year! We are sending prayers and positive thoughts to all of our friends and family. We wish you the very best in the next year. Riley started off the New Year by saying goodbye to his crib. He now sleeps in a twin size bed, and is so proud of himself for taking this step. Riley is still in love with Thomas the Train and has expanded his collection to hundreds of Thomas toys and trains. Riley loves to count, read books, and run. Riley is struggling with saying "bye bye" to his nook and diapers, which are two goals high on my priority list.
Tay is still eating non-stop and continues to practice his walking. He has started to talk non-stop, and even says momma! Most recently Taylor has decided that it is pretty funny to go poop in the tub. The minute I put him in the water, he starts grunting really loud. Taylor loves to play with Riley and watches his every move. Our big guy is in the 90 percentile for weight, and 75 percentile for height. His hair is coming in thick and is a really pretty blonde (wink,wink!)
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