Well baby checks

We recently went in for our well baby checks. At two months, Taylor is in the 90% for height and weight. At two years, Riley is in the 95% for height and 75% for weight. I guess our boys like to eat! We discussed Riley's speech with the pediatrician and she said that Riley is right on track. He can say a few two word phrases, and about 30 words consistently. He also always says, "See you guys!" everytime we leave anywhere. (Even if we don't know the people) Riley also had his preop. physical and got the go ahead from the pediatrician to have the surgery. This means that on Friday we will be down at the U of M hospital, while Riley gets a diagnostic surgery done. I am anxious but ready to get to the bottom of the missing testicle.
Today we are heading to get professional photos done of the boys together. I have warned the studio that Riley's favorite word is "NO" and that Taylor can't quite sit up on his own. So it should be an interesting shoot. Currently Riley has found my make up bag and has applied blush, eye liner and mascara to his face....uh the life with a two year old. In other news Taylor is almost sleeping through the night. He goes to bed around 8 or 9PM and wakes up at 4AM to eat. Then he sleeps until 7am or so. The down side is Taylor is NOT a napper. He is smiley all day long, and if I am lucky he might take one 30 minute nap! Well we are off to the wonderful studio to attempt to get a good shot of the boys. Wish us luck:) I will try to post results when we get them.

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