Off to the ball ball game!

Gaga, Matt, and I took Riley to his first St. Paul Saints baseball game. Riley had wanted to go to the "ball ball" game all day. We got to the stadium, Riley picked up a hotdog, and found his seat. In the fourth inning, Riley got a chance to swing at 7 balls. Riley got 5 hits, and won a bat. Thanks Gaga and dad for taking us to the game:)

Here is Gaga and Riley looking at the real trains from Midway stadium.

Here is Riley at bat!


I have been dreaming of the day where I could lay on the beach and watch my kids enjoy the summer weather. Today we packed up all our garb and headed to the local beach. The beach is located in a Regional Park and has a beautiful playground right on the water. It was 90 and sunny so I was a little concerned about Taylor overheating but we managed to all stay cool and enjoy a nice summer day.

Riley made a TON of new friends and wasn't impressed with the filth of the MN sand and lake. He is so used to cystal clear aqua blue water with white soft sand, that the mud paste of the lake beach was hard to adjust to. He kept saying, " Uck, Uck, Uck". He finally got over it and enjoyed playing with this huge water pump on the beach. Taylor showed off his baby abs and layed out and checked out some chicks. He has a lot of work to do on his tan.

Auntie Carolyn stopped by and helped us enjoy the day for a little while, which was a nice surprise.

Days like today make you realize that it is possible to live in MN. and be happy. The thought of -30 degrees is still in the back of mind and I know we will soon be dealing with the ice, snow, and blistering cold. We are thankful that today was beautiful we had a wonderful time!!

One heck of a Friday....

I was already dreading Friday because Riley was scheduled to have surgery. I was anxious and nervous for my baby! I woke up Thursday morning and could barely swallow. I was SICK! So Friday morning we decide that I shouldn't go into the Children's Hospital so sick, and instead I should get into see a doctor. Matt takes Riley to the U of M in the morning and I run into my clinic....sure enough STREP THROAT!!! I have a temp of 102 and all I can think of is Riley. I wanted to be there so bad but knew it was in the best interest of everybody else if I didn't go. So I picked up my medicine and waited by my phone for updates. After about an hour and a half the surgeon comes out to report that they found Riley's second testicle in his stomach and she had to remove it, because it was so badly damaged. He did great and woke up just fine. Whew! A few hours later Riley gets discharged and Matt gets a call on the way home from the hospital from his boss. His boss informs him he has been layed off. Valpak had been sold (which we knew) and there wasn't a job for Matt. Okay great, so now Matt is unemployed, and we are facing a lot of pressure! Riley layed around for most of the evening and is kinda crabby but the incision looks great. Just as our "great " day was ending we looked out our window and saw this amazing Rainbow. This happens every so often and it is so beautiful. Here is the pictures of our view of the Rainbow and a cute picture of Taylor in his new Bumbo chair! Cheers to better days......

Well baby checks

We recently went in for our well baby checks. At two months, Taylor is in the 90% for height and weight. At two years, Riley is in the 95% for height and 75% for weight. I guess our boys like to eat! We discussed Riley's speech with the pediatrician and she said that Riley is right on track. He can say a few two word phrases, and about 30 words consistently. He also always says, "See you guys!" everytime we leave anywhere. (Even if we don't know the people) Riley also had his preop. physical and got the go ahead from the pediatrician to have the surgery. This means that on Friday we will be down at the U of M hospital, while Riley gets a diagnostic surgery done. I am anxious but ready to get to the bottom of the missing testicle.
Today we are heading to get professional photos done of the boys together. I have warned the studio that Riley's favorite word is "NO" and that Taylor can't quite sit up on his own. So it should be an interesting shoot. Currently Riley has found my make up bag and has applied blush, eye liner and mascara to his face....uh the life with a two year old. In other news Taylor is almost sleeping through the night. He goes to bed around 8 or 9PM and wakes up at 4AM to eat. Then he sleeps until 7am or so. The down side is Taylor is NOT a napper. He is smiley all day long, and if I am lucky he might take one 30 minute nap! Well we are off to the wonderful studio to attempt to get a good shot of the boys. Wish us luck:) I will try to post results when we get them.

Riley getting pumped up for his birthday party!

Here are a few pictures of his big day! I can't believe our baby is two!! Thanks to all the family who came to help us celebrate, it really meant a lot to see you all:)
