I have been dreaming of the day where I could lay on the beach and watch my kids enjoy the summer weather. Today we packed up all our garb and headed to the local beach. The beach is located in a Regional Park and has a beautiful playground right on the water. It was 90 and sunny so I was a little concerned about Taylor overheating but we managed to all stay cool and enjoy a nice summer day.

Riley made a TON of new friends and wasn't impressed with the filth of the MN sand and lake. He is so used to cystal clear aqua blue water with white soft sand, that the mud paste of the lake beach was hard to adjust to. He kept saying, " Uck, Uck, Uck". He finally got over it and enjoyed playing with this huge water pump on the beach. Taylor showed off his baby abs and layed out and checked out some chicks. He has a lot of work to do on his tan.

Auntie Carolyn stopped by and helped us enjoy the day for a little while, which was a nice surprise.

Days like today make you realize that it is possible to live in MN. and be happy. The thought of -30 degrees is still in the back of mind and I know we will soon be dealing with the ice, snow, and blistering cold. We are thankful that today was beautiful we had a wonderful time!!