Merry Christmas to everyone. We enjoyed Riley's second Christmas on Anna Maria Island. Christmas Eve Granny Bird made a wonderful supper and then we walked along the beach and took some family pictures. Christmas morning we ate at the Beach cafe and Santa came to the beach. Riley's new word is "Uh-ohs!" He says it after he throws his food off his plate, his bath toys out of the bath, or if he is really scared. Riley's second encounter with Santa was the same result as the first one. He wants nothing to do with Santa! He kicks, screams, scratches to get away from him! Oh well:( Riley seemed to love his santa presents. We capped off the Holidays last night by eating at the Chart House overlooking the Gulf of Mexico. We are all thankful to be well and happy and together this holiday season.
Baby number 2 is showing off his personality more everyday. Riley gives my stomach a "night night" kiss every night and seems to be aware of the my growing belly. It is hard to believe we will have two little boys in 10 weeks!
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