When I was preggo with Taylor, I often wondered what the differences would be of the boys. I daydreamed about how they would be best buds, and be co-pilots in life. I also wondered how their personalities would differ. As Taylor comes into his own, I have started to notice the differences. Riley has always been cautious, analytical, and social. He is a ham to say the least. Riley loves to dance, loves music, and loves to be dramatic. Riley doesn't like to cuddle much, and seems to like some independence. Taylor is a doer. he is not cautious, and has no fear. He is also the silent instigator. I have caught him pulling Riley's hair, biting him, and hitting him. Taylor is my little cuddle bug. He loves to have human contact, and makes sure he gets his "service" at all times. He tends to do before think. Riley is a sleeper, Taylor not so much! The one thing they have in common is that they both love to eat, eat, eat.
Recent;y, among other issues both boys have decided that the sun outside is unbearable, while riding in the car. So I went out and bought some car riding hats, to help block the sun. Both boys also have custom fit sunglasses, which they refuse to wear. Here are their new hats!!