Come on Santa......work with me!
So we were the first in line at the mall to visit Santa. Riley has been talking about Santa for months, so of course we headed to the mall the FIRST day Santa was available. In the past Riley has been terrified of Santa. This year he reassured me that Santa was not scary!!! As we approached Santa, Riley was repeatedly telling himself, "Santa not scary, Santa not scary, Santa not scary." The photographer and I positioned the boys and they were ready. Trying to get a 2 year old and a 8 month old to smile at the same time is tricky! I finally managed to get some smiles as I was singing, dancing, and moving around a plush Barney toy. I look over at the photographer, and she is on the phone. The camera is broken. For the next ten minutes, the boys remain on Santa's lap, and I am right next to them, trying to keep them interested and calm. I start asking Riley what he wants for Christmas, asking him to ask Santa about his reindeer etc. etc. Meanwhile Riley is giving me this terrible, uncertain stare. I know that we have limited time, before Riley wants to leave. As I am trying to prompt a conversation between Riley and Santa, I realize Santa has not spoken to the boys AT ALL. I mean come on, if you hate your job that much, than pick a different career. Santa was not friendly, did not speak, and looked overly annoyed at my persistence to get a picture taken. Finally, the camera started to work and we got our picture. Riley and Taylor left confused and I left pooped out!

I made some banana pancakes for Riley....
I made pancakes for Riley this morning and then went to the bathroom to throw my hair up and throw cold water on my face. I came back a few minutes later and Riley was in his room, and Taylor was enjoying the pancakes!!! He ate every last crumble! I asked Riley if he was done with his pancakes, and he shrugs his shoulders and says, " Tay Tay ate them!"

The boys have been very into taking baths, especially together. At first I thought it was cute but now they have figured out how much fun it is to see who can get the most water onto the bathroom floor! They literally use all of their little muscles to splash water out of the tub and onto the floor. Riley eggs Taylor on and before you know it, our bathroom is flooded with two laughing boys in an near empty tub! Riley makes sure to say, "Uh-oh it's all wet momma." Thanks Ry, I hadn't noticed. I have a feeling this is only the beginning of a little team of schemers:0)
The Hair Pulling Bandit
I was up most of last night with Taylor, as he is sick. The stomach flu has hit our family hard and we have had it for over 2 weeks! Taylor would sleep for 20 minutes and then start crying all through the night. So I decided to just put him in bed with me, that way when he cries I could just pat his back until he goes back to sleep. So I put him in the big bed with me, and I hear this devilish giggle. I start patting his back the way he likes, and he drifts off to sleep. I soon follow, and then am awakened by a hard tugging of my hair. I look over and Taylor is smiling at me with this huge grin, as he is yanking on my hair. I pat him on his back, and I hear the giggle again. Finally Taylor falls back asleep, and I do too. Only to be awakened again, by the pain of hair being pulled from my scalp. I look over and Taylor is smiling the devilish grin again!!! This continued for most of the night, and I learned a valuable lesson, don't allow the kids in bed with you!
"Is the witch in there?"
So Dad took the boys trick or treating and Riley decided it was appropriate to ask each person if there was a witch in their house?!?! The only problem is when Riley says "witch" it sounds clearly like "bitch" so as they made there way from house to house my little tiger was innocently asking each house, "Is the bitch in there?" .....great! I guess Matt would try to explain that he was looking for the witch, as people often wondered why we would teach our two year old such words. The hunt for the witch continued, and then they came to a house and knocked on the door. An older man answered, and Riley took a step in and yelled, "Is the bitch in there?" and the man quickly responded, "No she is not home now, I don't know where in the hell she went!" (obviously referring to his wife!!) Riley seemed to accept this answer as the witch/bitch question was finally dropped. When Riley gets something in his head it is so hard to get him to move on, thus this was a perfect example. I apologize to all of those people who we insulted along the way in our search for the witch!
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