My Wing man
Riley and I have become such good buddies, partially because we spend all of our time together. We went shopping this morning, looking for a double stroller. I had my purse in the cart with Riley and was looking at something around the corner from the cart. I walked back to the cart and this is what I saw. What a cool dude!!!!! He was looking pretty fly in my glasses, I am just lucky he didn't get a hold of my lipstick to add to his image.......
Beach Days

Today we went to the beach and Riley played with all the kids. Weekends are great days to go to the beach because there are millions of people for RIley to enjoy. We met a man named RJ there who had a really fancy camera. I have been wanting a camera (a SLR) like his for a long time and he showed me all the different functions of the camera. He also advised me on what brands to look at and which ones not to. RJ was super nice and took a few pictures of Riley today for us. What a nice guy! He also told me that for a decent SLR camera it will be at least $500 !! Yikes, I better start saving my pennies real fast.
GAGA and the Florida State Fair
Gaga flew in from MN. to visit us over the Valentines Day weekend. The Florida State Fair was going on so of course Riley talked Gaga into taking him. I was in heaven being preggo and having all those wonderful choices of food! My favorite was the deep fried snickers bar...yummy. Riley spent most of his time and energy with the goats. He fed each one and talked to them all for sometime. His connection with the goats is something we can't quite figure out. Riley then chose to milk a cow. A nice lady showed Riley how, and then he just grabbed on and started tugging. Gaga and Riley went on the train, which Riley now calls, "Choo choos". Riley was exhausted by noon and slept the whole hour ride home. Thanks Gaga and Granny Bird, we had a blast!
Riley has officially started school. After visiting numerous pre-schools we found a perfect fit, in Trinity Methodist Church. There are 5 other kids in Riley's class, all between the ages of 18 months to 2 years old. Riley's day consists of art class, bible stories, gym or recess, and music class. He didn't even notice when I left him and didn't notice when I walked in to pick him up. He was so thrilled to be around all the other kids!
20 Months old
Riley is now 20 months old. He is talking up a storm, and more and more of what he says is in English! He surprises us everyday with his ability to learn new words. When I took him outside yesterday he said, " Ohhhh, thats cold." His favorite words are truck, car, and oh cool. He works every night on his word flash cards, this has become one of his favorite things to do. (Partially because Granny Bird does a big dance everytime he gets one right!) Riley is also starting preschool this month (tear, tear). I figured he will need to get out and be with kids his own age while I am stuck at home with the new baby. My little baby is growing up so fast:)
Double Ear Infections
Its official, Riley has been fighting his first ear infections. He came down with a cold 3 weeks ago and was diagnosed about 10 days ago with double ear infections. He has been really crabby at times, and doesn't have too much patience for me. He just finished his first round of antibiotics and he goes back in tomorrow for a recheck. It has been rainy here for the last day, so I decided I needed to cheer up my lil guy. I brought out his new Thomas the Train ball jumper. My mom and I took turns blowing up the thing and Riley was trying to crawl in it as it was inflating. He has been sitting in it now for about an hour, I think he may just sleep there.
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