Happy Thanksgiving!

We enjoyed a huge Thanksgiving celebration. We had over 30 family and friends over to celebrate. This was Riley's first time to play with all his cousins. He enjoyed playing with all his cousins soooo much! After everyone left, he walked around the house and chatted, telling us all about his big day with the family. Thanks to all of you who came to share Riley's first MN Thanksgiving. We loved seeing everybody again and catching up on old times!
On Black Friday we decided to skip the shopping madness for once! I admit it was hard for me to do, but we ended up having a great day!In hopes of escaping the cold weather, we took Riley to an indoor water park. He was a little scared at first, but eventually he was splashing and enjoying all the activities. Here are a few pictures of our Thanksgiving fun and the indoor water park!


We took Riley to see Santa Claus today and he seemed to like Santa for a few minutes. We gently put him on his lap, and the screaming started. Riley started waving bye bye to Santa as fast as he could. He got frantic, so we got out of there as fast as we could. We stopped at the food court for a little lunch, and he calmed down. We then took Riley to his very first movie. Riley chose Madagascar 2, and loved it! He got a little antsy and started talking loudly with about 20 minutes left in the show. Riley has been napping for 3 hours, so he must of been worn out!

More MN Fun

We took Riley trick or treating and he seemed to enjoy himself. He was confused on why we weren't going into the houses but was happy with his candy. He was a darling Thomas the Train. Yesterday we spent the day outside exploring some different parks. Riley has learned so much by observing the other kids, and he now can run with the pack. It is nice to be able to sit on a bench and watch him interact with the other children. Last night he helped me rake up some leaves and bag them. He would bring each leaf one by one and put it in the garbage bag. I would clap, and then he would too! It was a time consuming process, but he was really proud to be helping out with the family chores. We also visited the Mall of America where Riley chose to ride on a train and semi-truck. Riley picked up a few more new winter outfits and loved lego land. Here are a few pictures of our latest endeavors!
