We arrived in Minneapolis after 12 hours of traveling! We were immediately hit by the fresh, cold air. I forgot how cold it really gets up in 'da north!' Riley was a really good boy on both flights. He enjoyed watching movies and sleeping in his own row. We were really excited to get to MN so Riley could play outside. This morning we bundled him up and took him outside for an adventure. He didn't know what all the big, colorful leaves were or what to do with them. We walked to a park nearby and Riley enjoyed the beautiful fall weather. We are hoping and praying he might get the chance to play in the snow before we leave! We have quite a few visitors and many more to come. It is great to be home!
Home Sweet Home
We arrived in Minneapolis after 12 hours of traveling! We were immediately hit by the fresh, cold air. I forgot how cold it really gets up in 'da north!' Riley was a really good boy on both flights. He enjoyed watching movies and sleeping in his own row. We were really excited to get to MN so Riley could play outside. This morning we bundled him up and took him outside for an adventure. He didn't know what all the big, colorful leaves were or what to do with them. We walked to a park nearby and Riley enjoyed the beautiful fall weather. We are hoping and praying he might get the chance to play in the snow before we leave! We have quite a few visitors and many more to come. It is great to be home!
The Pumpkin Festival
We took Riley to a local farm which was hosting a pumpkin festival. We weren't sure what to expect, but were pleasantly surprised. There were hundreds of vendors, similar to the MN state fair. There were hayrides, pony rides, a circus. a corn maze, a petting zoo, a train ride, games and much more. Riley seemed to love his first circus. We sat in the front row and he sat and watched the whole show! Riley hit up numerous concession stands and had another long talk with his beloved goats. We watched a BMX stunt show, which Riley decided was a great time to dig in the dirt. We left the BMX show with a wet, dirt filled baby boy. We ate lunch and listened to a Country western band. We got a real kick out of the pumpkin cannon- it flew pumpkins over 100 yards into the woods. Riley fell a sleep the minute he got in the car, and slept the whole way home.
Tampa Zoo with Granny Bird
Hunsader Farms
We took Riley to a local farm to pick a pumpkin. They had a petting zoo, which Riley seemed to really enjoy. He had a special bond with the goats. Riley stood in front of all the goats and talked to them for about 15 minutes straight. I then pulled him away and he kept running back to the goats! He visited with all the animals and got a mini-pumpkin to bring home. He thinks the pumpkin is a ball, so now he throws the pumpkin around the house!!
We have also been practicing wearing his Halloween costume. The first time Riley had it on he cried. He hated it. We have gotten to the point now where he can wear it without crying. Here are a few pics. of our trip to the farm and a preview of the Halloween costume. Enjoy!
18 Weeks and Kickin
I just went in for another prenatal visit and all of the prenatal screening came back normal. This week my baby is approximately 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and weighs almost 7 ounces. He's busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that I'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. We will know the sex of the baby in 8 days! Riley and I think it is a boy and Matt swears it is a girl! I secretly hope it is twins! HAHA- I know not very realistic. We have been trying to get Riley out and about while I am still mobile. He is going to the Tampa zoo and to see Elmo live. We took him to a pumkin patch on a farm and he loved the goats. He stood and talked to them for about 15 minutes and I had to pull him away. He picked out his very own pumpkin and carries it all around the house with him. He is counting down the days until he can show off his wonderful Thomas The Train costume. We are going to a Halloween party with a Haunted Hayride on Oct. 24th, so Riley will be get to wear his costume twice!
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